movies b grade...



Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Mature and Young: Mixing can be Fun

For Hannah and Becky, you know who you are and I hope you enjoy your
story. Thank you for the inspiration and desire.

Hannah and Becky leant against the outside wall close to the door of the
Leisure Centre where they both worked. Their jobs were in the lounge
area serving drinks and food. Both were just 20 and had worked there
together for a couple of years and had become good friends. They were
both petite, dark haired, slim and of course well toned as they both
worked out at the centre as part of the employment package.

Hannah was always the one who attracted attention with her big dark
eyes, well cut hair and trim body, she looked the more confident,
especially as he leant against the wall, one leg bent up against it
blowing smoke into the air from the cigarette as she inhaled through
her soft red lips. Hannah never had problems getting the attention of
the men, especially those that worked at the centre. There were enough
fit guys working there and she had certainly sampled a few of their
cocks already. All of them young bucks who could cum fountains and go
hard again quickly, but they never lasted more than 5 minutes. But why
worry, that was the way she liked it hard, fast and no commitment. Hard
cocks were just one of many things to be enjoyed in life.

Becky on the other hand was shy, less confident and did not dress to
attract in the same way. In her own quiet way she got enough sexual
pleasure to keep her satisfied. She alone knew she was a lot hornier
than her outward shy and quiet approach. She always kept her little
silver helper in her bag and sometimes on her coffee breaks she would
slip into the ladies room to pleasure herself, usually after she had
been serving one of the fit guys that used the centre, fantasizing how
he might bring her pleasure. Becky had a secret desire to experience
someone older and more mature, sure she liked young cocks but they just
did not have the attraction of an older mature man. She fantasized
about them all being more experienced than younger guys she had so far
experienced. She imagined they all had longer, thicker cocks than young
guys and heavy balls full of cum. She had to admit that this perception
was driven by secretly watching the porn DVD collection of Mike, her
mother Petra's most recent boyfriend. He had them stored away in her
mother's room. She had often wondered if her mother really knew about
them until yesterday when she slipped an unlabelled DVD into the
machine and to her surprise found that the woman on the screen sucking
a gorgeous thick cock was Petra, her mother and the cock belonged to
Mike. Although Mike was the kind of mature man she fantasized about,
she had not thought of him in that way, after all he was her mother's
man and there had always been something about him, the way he looked at
her, the way he often brushed close by her when there was no need. Not
a man to be trusted, but now at least she knew one big reason why her
mother was attracted to him. Since yesterday, she had been constantly
checking his trousers in the hope of catching the outline of his cock.

Hannah took the last draw on her cigarette and blew smoke into the air,
stubbed the butt and smiled as they turned back through the doors and
over to the coffee bar.

Time seemed to be dragging that morning as the club was quite empty and
custom in the lounge slow. Hannah and Becky had commented on a couple
of guys and Steve the young chef had been out to chat and flirt with
them a while back. Hannah always enjoyed his flirting but Becky
noticed, even though her mind was on other things, that today they
seemed to be flirting just that little bit more than usual.

"Hello girls. How are we today". Becky snapped out of her dream.
Standing there was Rod a regular who worked out a couple of times a
week and then took a coffee and read the papers. The girls were always
friendly and knew what he regularly drank.

"Hi" said Becky smiling, "Usual large black coffee?"

"Why not. Not very busy in here today" he responded looking around.

"No, quite boring actually" She responded still smiling. "Why don't you
find a sofa and I will bring it over to you". He smiled, thanked her
and wandered off.
She started to make the coffee. Hannah took the cup down off the shelf
to help her just as Mary the shift supervisor came over and told them
she was going for her break. She said just to call her back in if they
needed her. They both knew that meant a long break, especially as it
was quiet they knew Mary would be chatting with the receptionist.
Hannah wasted no time, as soon as Mary was out of site she spoke.

"Just going to pop into the kitchen to see what Steve is up to, call me
if you need any help". She almost skipped her way round to the kitchen

Becky made the coffee and took it over to Rod.

"Here you are" she said putting the cup down on the table amongst the
papers. "You look settled with all those papers to read. No rush today

"You're right, no rush today. I have just finished a major project at
work and decided to take the day off as a reward, so no plans just time
to relax".

As he smiled, Becky was almost starring, it had not bothered her before
but he was probably about the same age as Mike, her mother's new
boyfriend. Although he looked in better shape, after all she knew he
worked out regularly. The mental picture of Mike's thick cock came back
into her mind again, all that cum she saw spilling into her mothers
mouth, all the strands of cum that dripped from her mother's smiling
face. She had never seen a guy spill so much cum before. Would this guy
have a thick cock? Would he cum so heavily? Could she encourage him to
let her suck it dry? What was she thinking.

"Oh that's great", she replied. "Lucky you, a good work out and then
time to relax, what more could you want?" He smiled up over his paper.

"Now don't tempt me Becky, you never know what I might want". She felt
herself flush and go hot all over.

"I'd better get back, Hannah will be on her own". She said quickly as
she turned back towards the counter blushing.

Thinking about one of the club members that way! What was she doing? But
then why not, she kept thinking about Mike's cock and how good
something like that might feel inside her. So different to the young
cocks she had experienced so far in her sexual explorations. The guys
only seemed interested in satisfying their own desires. In the porn
films and even her mother were taking their own pleasure and the men
seemed to enjoy it as well, surely she should gain pleasure too rather
than be a substitute for a quick wank, and a feel of her tits, like it
so often seemed.

Becky looked back across the lounge at Rod, he looked good for his age,
she could have him if she wanted surely? She lightly touched her skirt
between her legs, she knew she was damp, the flush seemed to bring it
on. She knew her nipples were tingling too, she was getting very
horny. If she was not careful, she would need her little silver helper
very soon.

Where was Hannah she thought. Not back yet, what was delaying her in the
kitchen. She walked up to the half closed door and put her head in. No
sign of either Hannah or Steve. Then she heard a noise over at the back
of the kitchen. She walked in and stopped suddenly. There they both
were over in the corner half hidden behind a cupboard. Hannah her back
to the wall, had her blouse hanging open and Steve was clearly feeling
her breasts. Hannah for her part had her hand down at his trouser
level. From what she could see Hannah had his cock in her fist was
slowly jacking it up and down. Becky kept watching as they were clearly
oblivious to anything. So the flirting had a reason and Hannah's fast
retreat to the kitchen on Mary's break was already planned. She touched
herself again, the dampness was growing. As she watched she slowly
rubbed her crotch, her knickers now so damp they were sticking to her

Hannah let go of Steve's cock and dropped to her knees. She was going to
suck him off right there in the kitchen! For the first time Becky
caught sight of Steve's cock. From a distance it looked quite small. He
was attractive and athletic and she had expected something bigger.
Hannah closed her lips around his small cock and her fingers cupped his
balls. They looked small too, although a good covering of curly black
hair surrounded the base of his cock. Hannah was too good for him, he
lasted less than a couple of minutes before she pulled out his cock.
This was a surprise, for all her bravado, Hannah was not going to let
him cum in her mouth. She wanked him a few last stokes before he
sprayed his cum over the kitchen floor, his face and eyes screwed up in
undoubted pleasure.

Becky did not wait any longer, but slipped quietly out of the kitchen
and back round to the counter. A few minutes later Hannah appeared,
tidying her hair as she walked.

"So is everything all right with Steve?" Becky quizzed Hannah as she

"Guess so" she replied with a disappointed face rather than the smile
Becky was expecting.

"Oh, not so enthusiastic as earlier when you were flirting with him?
Didn't he come up to expectation?" Becky emphasised the word come,
feeling naughty and giving a cheeky grin.

"You saw us didn't you" exclaimed Hannah her eyes wide open. Becky
nodded. ,"Did you really. Oh shit please don't say anything, please

Becky was enjoying this. "Well, of course not. I think I know why you
are disappointed. I guess you were expecting something bigger or better
along with all those other muscles, weren't you?" Becky made a sign
with her fingers that implied he was quite small.

"I guess so. Trouble is it's always the same. ‘Please make me cum',
‘Please suck my cock' ‘Please wank my cock'. Always the same, me me me.
So I wanked him, sucked his cock and then made him waste his cum all
over the floor, he did not deserve anything more. He felt my breasts,
but he didn't notice my hard aching nipples, he just wanted to rub them
harshly. I wonder if he understood how hot and horny I was for him, how
I wanted my cunt fingered or licked." She was mad and frustrated at the
same time.

Becky spoke up. "Hey Hannah, don't you think a more mature man, someone
older would be better, someone with more experience, someone with both
a cock and a mind used to pleasuring women?"

She drew in breath and then continued. "Hannah, I watch these porn
movies from time to time at home, they belong to my Mum's man, he keeps
them in a box in her bedroom. The mature men in them are always giving
the ladies pleasure and ohhh their cocks look so different"

"You do what?" Hannah put her hand to her mouth. "Oh Becky that's so
dirty, so erotic, so horny. I would just love to see them. Next time I
come round please. Come on what do you mean by their cocks are so

Becky was feeling hotter, hornier all the time, less inhibited. "Well
just like they have had a lot of use. Strong veins running their
length, they somehow look knarled and thicker just like Mike's".

"Well, so now sweet little Becky is the expert on mature cocks", Becky
blushed. "And who is Mike with the knarled and thick cock?"

"Oh shit no, that was a mistake, no sorry forget it". Becky was now
worried, what had she said.

Hannah's face lit up, what had she just discovered. "Come on, come who
is Mike, tell me more about this magic cock" she emphasised the last
few words. Her big eyes wide and attentive.

"No, I should not say really" she paused, drew in breath and spoke
slowly and quietly as if she did not want to be overheard. "He is Mum's

Hannah's mouth fell open, she put a hand up to it, her eyes were out on
stalks. "Oh my God Becky Thomas you are being fucked by your mother's
boyfriend never mind the size of his cock, this is amazing".

Becky blushed "No Hannah, no way would Mike ever get his cock inside me,
you know what I've said about him before". She was hot, flustered, not
sure if it was caused by the direction the conversation was taking or
the thought of Mike's lovely cock that keep flashing through her mind.
"Look, I said he has these DVD's and he brings round new ones to add to
the collection every few days. I guess they watch them quietly together
in the bedroom. Well I put a new unlabelled one in the player yesterday
and it was my mum sucking him off". She paused, Hannah intently
listening. "I could never understand why my mum fancied him so much,
now I know. Hannah his cock was so gorgeous, thick, with veins all
along its length and his balls were so large, I loved it and I just so
want to experience one like it".

"Oh my god", said Hannah again, clearly excited. "Your mum sucking his
cock on a DVD, how amazing, I could not ever imagine my parents doing
something like that, just so gross". Hannah stared at Becky. "Wow, did
he cum in her mouth?, Go on tell me please, what was it like?" Hannah
was still frustrated and horny and wanting to know more.

Becky responded quietly and slowly. "Yes he did and mum seemed to love
it from her moans and shrieks. He seemed to cum buckets, so I guess she
is good at it and Hannah it was so erotic, it spilt out of her mouth
and dribbled down her chin and the strands hung there and dripped onto
her body. Oh Hannah, it makes me so hot to think about him".

"That's interesting, who makes you so hot thinking about him, is it me?"
The two girls turned quickly in shock and there standing at the counter
was Rod. How much had he heard?

He smiled, "Now if you ladies could just concentrate on your work for a
minute or two I would like another coffee please". He then went back to
his sofa, sat down and picked up his paper again.

"How much do you think he heard" said Becky as she started to make the
coffee. "He did ask if it was him who made me hot", she continued with
the coffee almost talking to herself. "Right now, he could make me hot,
just thinking what sort of cock he has, oh how much do I need cock
right now. Hannah do you think he would be interested".

Hannah was looking out across the lounge towards him. "Well, Becky there
is only one way to find out. You have to make a play and see what
happens. Go on Becky give it a go". Hannah was feeling frustrated but
at least she had sucked a cock already today and now she was thinking
about what Becky had told her. Fancy seeing your mum on a film, sucking
cock and then to sit at the same breakfast table with the guy. Would
she be looking to see the outline in his trousers, would she be wanting
to try and see him in his underpants. How would she react to knowing he
was so well hung. Would she flirt with him to make it hard or was that
too dangerous. So exciting, so erotic it made her so horny. She
wondered what he looked like and what he might feel like inside her.

Becky walked over with his coffee, as she put it down he spoke.

"Well Becky, it was interesting to hear you naughty girls chatting. All
that sexy talk about cum dripping from mouths making you hot. Not the
sort of thing to be discussing in front of the customers is it? You
never know how they might react".

"I'm so sorry" she blushed. "You are right, we should not be talking
like that in front of you, but we did not realise you were there".

He winked at her and smiled. "Don't worry Becky. If that is all part of
the customer service here then what have I been missing?"

Ohh! thought Becky, this could be interesting. Her mouth was going dry
with excitement. She stood there in front of him, her eyes glancing
down at his trousers, seeing if she could see the outline of his cock.

"We always aim to please the customers", a slow smile coming across her
face. "Such a service could be arranged, if that's what you would
like". Her mouth was now so dry.

"Becky what are you saying" He sounded affronted but at the same time
she felt his piercing eye mentally undressing her. He slowly moved his
hand down onto his lap. "Are you really offering to", he paused for
effect and purposefully and with strong emphasis completed the
question. "Suck this cock and let the cum dribble from your mouth like
you just said to Hannah?" He lowered his eyes to where his hand lay on
his lap.

Becky was flustered, how should she react, flirting was one thing but
now she was now confronted with what she had been thinking about. She
had the chance to experience that mature cock she so desired. Once
again the image of Mike's cock sliding in and out of her mother's mouth
filled her mind.

She stuttered a bit and then said tentatively and quietly "I guess so",
she paused and then smiled. "Yes, Yes maybe I am" she said much more
definite about her feelings. "My shift finishes soon, would you like to
give me a lift home?" She challenged him.

"Well, not an offer I was expecting when I came in this morning. But it
certainly sounds attractive. You ask so politely and you are so sweet.
My work out was good, the coffee has me relaxed and I would love to
spend time having some fun with you". He smiled up at her, "And I
think I would enjoy discovering your charms. Shall I wait outside in
my car and you can just come out when you are ready?"

"Ok" replied Becky, now not quite sure of the conversation she had just
had "I had better go, my supervisor just arrived back". As she walked
back to the counter, her body was tingling all over with excitement,
she could feel the wetness in her pussy, her nipples already hard and
sensitive rubbing against her bra.

She whispered to Hannah. "I am meeting him outside after my shift. He
heard what we were saying and well. I am sure I am going to get that
cock I want to play with".

"What" Hannah shrieked loudly in surprise. Rod's head looked up. He
realised what Becky was telling Hannah and calmly waved to Hannah. "You
dirty little slut" she said a little more quietly. "Really, what are
you going to do? Where are you going to do it?"

"Back at Mum's house I suppose, no one is usually in during the day".

"You could always show him your Mum's porn collection, even the one of
your Mum sucking cock". Hannah joked.

"They are not my mum's" rebuked Becky.

A smile spread across Hannah's face. "Maybe not but it sounds like they
turn her on and after all she is a porn star in her own movie. If you
know where the camera is kept maybe I could come round and film you and

Becky grinned back. "How dirty would that be" and the girls giggled.

Becky looked over towards Rod, He was folding the newspaper. He picked
up his sports bag and walked over to the counter. The two girls were
still standing behind it.

"OK, see you outside Becky" he said smiling. "I guess from the shrieks
that Hannah knows what we plan to do". Hannah nodded. "Hannah, If you
want to do the same sometime I'm always ready and interested".

"Rod, you never know" she said with a cheeky smile. He turned and walked
towards the exit.

Becky watched him go. "Wow this could be a fun afternoon, I'll get my
coat, Tell Mary I have finished my shift, See you later".

A few minutes later, Becky walked through the Leisure Centre doors and
stopped. She saw the car lights flash and stated to walk towards Rod's
car. She felt hot and flushed. She was as horny as she could ever
remember. All the time the image of her mother sucking Mike's cock kept
flashing in her brain.

She opened the door and sat in the passenger seat. Rod looked across and
smiled. She clipped the seat belt into place. He asked where they
should go and she gave him directions.

He pulled out of the car park and onto the road. As Rod drove, they sat
in silence for what seemed an age. Becky looked forward out of the
windscreen. Eventually Rod spoke. "Why don't you put you hand over
here", he said, indicating his lap. "You might like what you find".
Becky kept looking straight ahead as she reached out slowly with her
hand and laid it on his lap. She was expecting to find a hard cock
straining at his trousers, instead she felt the outline of what seemed
like a soft lump. As her fingers felt around she began to realise that
even in its soft state, this cock would be worth the wait.

"That feels good" he said. "Do you like what you've found"

Becky turned her head and looked down, her fingers started to stroke
around its shape and she was sure it was hardening right there under
her fingers. She stammered a bit.

"I think so". She said timidly. "It's kind of soft and feels nice, not
what I was expecting"

Rod chuckled and spoke softly. "I guess the young guys you know are all
so full of testosterone their pricks are constantly hard". She like the
word prick, it was good description of the cocks she had encountered,
as it was the boys. Now all she wanted to do was experience a real
cock. He continued, "Well Becky, I hope you are going to enjoy playing
with it to make it hard. Why don't you show me a little teaser of your
undoubted charms. Maybe unbutton a couple of buttons on that blouse or
pull you skirt up and show me your knickers or maybe both. Don't worry
I won't crash the car, I want to enjoy my prize when we get there".

Becky pulled back her hand from his lap. She could now see that she had
left a substantial bulge, certainly bigger than when she had started.
Slowly she unbuttoned the next two buttons on her white blouse. Her bra
was visible and so was her modest cleavage.

"Becky, that's nice", he said quietly as he quickly shot a glance before
he looked back to the road. "I am enjoying this, are you? What about
your knickers are they wet".

Becky was feeling a strange sensation as a hot flush ran through her
body. She was tingling all over like she had not felt before. Never had
someone spoken to her like this, encouraged her sexuality, spoken so
directly. This was different and she was loving it.

"Yes Rod, I am enjoying this, I have got to admit I am feeling a bit
excited" Then she said something so out of character for shy Becky.
"Rod you are making me feel horny, my knickers are damp". She paused
"Would you like to feel them?" She slowly pulled up her skirt to reveal
her pink panties with a very large dark patch between her legs. Rod
kept looking at the road as his hand moved across. She guided it down
onto the wet patch. She felt him press a finger along her crack and
her mind blurred over, she could almost see stars such was the feeling.
Her breathing felt so heavy.

"Oh Becky that is very very wet and just a little hot too. You must be a
very very sexed up lady right now. Are you Becky? Are you hot for my

"Yes", she replied, almost instinctively in between laboured breaths. "I
need your cock, please make it quick". The words just slipped out like
that, Becky could hardly believe she had said it. He moved his hand
away conscious that any more touching might be too much for her to cope
with. She was almost panting as she recovered enough to direct him into
the parking space for her Mother's flat.

Meanwhile back at the Leisure Centre, Hannah had told Mary that Becky
had finished her shift and was just cleaning down the counter ahead of
her own finish time. She looked up and there at the counter was a guy
she had not seen before.

"Good morning sir, can I be of assistance" she asked with her usual
friendly smile.

"I hope so" he replied, "I am looking for Becky, is she around?"

Hannah replied that she had already finished her shift, curious as to
whom this guy looking for Becky was.

"Oh did she get a lift with someone then? I live with her Mother and
thought I would give her a lift home as I had the afternoon off".
Before he had finished, Hannah had her hand in front of her mouth
covering her audible gasp.

"You must be Mike", she said, her eyes wide open, trying to glace
casually down to his trousers, hoping like Becky that she would see the
outline of this substantial "Mother Fucking" cock.

"Yes that's me and how do I get to be so lucky that you know my name?"
His eyes were a piercing blue and Hannah almost felt he was mentally
undressing her.

Hannah hesitated and then replied. "Becky is my friend and we work
together all the time and she often speaks about you." She blushed.
"Sorry my name is Hannah, so pleased to meet you, I've been to Becky's
mum's flat many times but I don't think you were around".

"Oh right, so you are the Hannah I have heard her talk about". He paused
"You are much prettier than I had imagined, you should come round and
visit Becky more often, especially when I am in. I could make you very

Hannah blushed. And what did that mean? He would hit on Becky's friends
in the same bedroom as he fucked her mother. Maybe he was that type,
she knew Becky had commented on the way he looked at her. Right now she
was thinking about his hard mature cock. She liked his flirting, it was
her style. But if he went home right now maybe he would catch Becky and
Rod having a good fuck. She did not know how he would react, she had to
help her friend and maybe have some fun in the process.

"Well actually, I was thinking of going round to see Becky this
afternoon after I finished. We had a discussion this morning that we
never quite finished. I am just about to sign out". She put a finger to
her lips, pouted and opened her eyes wide. "Mike would you be able to
give a poor girl a ride".

Mike responded casually. "Any friend of Becky's is always welcome to
have a ride with me. Why don't I wait outside for you and well who
knows". He shrugged his shoulders.

Hannah blushed. She knew she was playing a dangerous game, but what the
hell it could be another new experience. Ok just give me a few minutes
to close up my shift". She played with her hair, the way girls do when
they are embarrassed, or like Hannah felt now, as horny as hell and
wanting to fuck.

Five minutes later for the second time that morning the club's
receptionist saw one of the younger girls sassy her way through the
door and into a car with a client. She was beginning to wonder if they
were serving coffee back there or running a whore house.

Hannah sat down in the passenger seat, clipped her seat belt into place,
smiled at Mike.

"Ok, I'm ready for that ride. Let's go".

Back at Becky's mums apartment block, with the car parked Rod and Becky
unclipped their seat belts and looked at one another. Rod leant in and
brushed her lips with his in a gentle kiss. His hand cupped her breast
and his fingers slowly rubbed at the part of her bra where he knew her
taught nipple must be. She put a hand around the back of his head and
pulled him in close as her tongue split his lips. He opened his mouth
and Becky's tongue drove in with passion, her other hand reaching down
into his lap to check out her prize. Now it was hard and she could
judge better its size. She knew she would not be disappointed.

Rod broke the clinch. "Don't you think we should go inside? That is
unless you would rather we fuck", and he emphasised the word repeating
it, "we fuck out here in public".

Becky's face broke into a slow grin, "Not right now", she smiled. "I
want you to fuck" this time she repeated the word, "to fuck me with
your big hard cock but up there", as her eyes motioned upwards towards
her flat. "Let's go".

She opened the car door and got out. Rod followed. She opened the outer
door of the block and then without looking back started to climb up to
the first floor. She stopped outside her mother's flat and slowly slid
the key into the door, turned it and pushed the door open. She turned
to Rod. "Ok are you ready? We both know why we are here" she said with
a smile her confidence growing all the time.

Becky steered him down the corridor past her mother's bedroom. She
glanced in and could see the TV set where she watched all those DVD's
while she worked her little silver helper in and out of her pussy. That
won't be needed now she thought as she opened the door to the lounge
and suggested to Rod that he sat on the sofa. She followed him in
leaving the door open and dropping her bag on the table.

Both of them sat on the sofa, with some space between them.

"Nervous?" questioned Rod.

"Just a little" Becky replied. "I've never done anything like this
before. I mean invited a man back to my mum's flat." She paused her
mouth was dry, she was tense, she was excited "I mean with the
intention of". She paused again

"Go on" he encouraged "finish the sentence - with the intention of what?
He lifted his hand to her cheek, ran his fingers down and curved his
hand round the side of her neck and back up into her hair. Becky was
trembling, her breathing was heavier, she licked her lips to moisten
them "Go on" he repeated "with the intention of - you had better tell
me or I won't know what I am expected to do".

Quietly and slowly Becky spoke. "With the intention of getting screwed I

Rod smiled. "Well that's a relief, I think I can mange that". They both
laughed. Becky was already enjoying the new sensations, his hand on her
cheek, her neck, fiddling with her hair. The way he broke the ice, made
her laugh. All so very different, so very new. All so mature.

He looked at her purposefully "Is your mum at work? She won't be coming
back for a while will she?" he questioned.

"Yes, I guess so and so is her man Mike. At least I hope so". Becky was
getting nervous again. What if they did come back early? What if they
met at lunchtimes sometimes for a quickie? What if one came home early
from work? Rod could sense her nervousness.

"Becky, stop worrying and anyway it's not illegal is it? The worst they
could do is join in". She laughed again, he was good at this. "Mother's
tend to be protective of their little girls and don't take kindly to
them getting fucked, especially if they have not been introduced". He
dropped his hand from her hair again just brushing her face and chin as
his fingers moved slowly down her neck. "Let me try and distract you".
His hand slowly brushed over the cleavage she had exposed in the car
and unclipped the next button on her blouse. Becky was tense and drew
in a large breath, her mouth falling open. He smiled as his fingers
reached the next button and then the last. He pulled the fabric on one
side and then the other as it became un-tucked from her skirt. He
pushed the blouse back over her shoulders and she move slightly to help
him. He drew it free from behind her and dropped it carefully on the

Becky sat very still, she had never felt so aroused, her nipples were
hard, her mouth was dry and her pussy was leaking her own juices like
never before. Was this what a woman felt like, did her mother feel like
this with Mike.

Gently Rod brushed against her small breasts with his hands, running a
finger down the cleavage. He spoke "Becky, why don't you unclip your
bra". She obeyed almost like a robot, reaching behind to undo the clip.
She managed a tight smile as the clip came apart and Rod slowly eased
the garment away from her breasts and dropped it close to her blouse.
"That's nice" he said gently "Becky you have a beautiful body" His hand
lightly touched one of her hard small nipples, she let out an audible
gasp. He rolled his fingers around the nipple as his other hand reached
for her other nipple. Becky closed her eyes as a wave of excitement
overcame her.

Petra, Becky's mum, had almost finished her shopping in the small
supermarket and was just joining the queue at the checkout. She was not
looking forward to her afternoon of sales visits she still had to make
before going home. She was tired, still feeling the after effects of
the lustful night she had spent with Mike. How things had changed as
their initial casual relationship had developed. Since Becky's dad had
walked out she had been missing regular sex, but Mike was something
special. He knew how to bring the lust out in her in so many ways. His
stamina was something she had never encountered before and his long
thick cock was truly a pleasure machine whichever of her holes it was
filling. After a few weeks they had become more comfortable with each
other. She had loved the way he had used porn movies to introduce new
ideas, new positions and role play situations which had all excited
her. But that was nothing compared with the impact of his most recent
idea of filming their sex play. That was why she was so tired. Last
night first they had had great sex that they had filmed. Then they
watched the which turned them on even more. That had led to more great
sex and this had lasted most of the night. He just kept getting hard
and she just kept getting her holes filled.

Although she was tired, she was as horny as she had ever felt before.
Not sure if it was her own love juices or the last remaining dribbles
of his sticky cum that made her knickers feel so damp. All morning she
had been checking the men in the various offices she had visited.
Thinking what it might be like to be filmed with them too. She often
thought about the guys that Becky brought home. How she wanted to be
Becky's age again with what she knew and all those inexperienced young
cocks available. She lusted after young cock, she knew she should not
but what delight they held. She should be content with her mature man,
but somehow young cock held its attraction.

"Hello Mrs Holmes" she suddenly came out of her daydream and turned in
the queue to see a young guy standing in front of her smiling. She
looked bit puzzled. "Do you remember me? My name is Tom and I am a
friend of Becky".

Yes of course now she recognised him. He had been round a several times,
but not for while. "Oh yes, I'm sorry Tom, of course". She started to
check him out, he had grown quite a bit since the last time she had
seen him. He was now seemed much taller, his stubble making him look
quite mature. He was wearing a tight T- shirt and his chest filled it
well. He wore a pair of tight jeans too. She started to wonder what his
cock might be like and if maybe her daughter had experienced it. "You
boys grow up so quickly into men, how can a mother keep up. Have you
seen my Becky lately?"

"No, Mrs Holmes, not lately, she spends a lot of time now with Hannah
and her friends". He blushed a little "Pity as I used to like to come
round your place". He was looking a little embarrassed perhaps wishing
he had not been so bold in the first place.

"Yes, Hannah, not the best influence on my Becky". Her face slowly broke
into a smile. "Anyway I don't expect a man" and she emphasised the word
man, "to call me Mrs Holmes. Please call me Petra". She paused and
then continued, "do tell me why you liked to come round my home?"

They shuffled along the queue as it moved forward, Petra moved so she
was closer to him. She glanced down at his jeans again, maybe she would
see the outline of his cock. She really was feeling randy right now.
All that thinking about Becky's friends and here was one just by her
side. Was this a sign, maybe an omen?

"Come on, she said. "Tell me what was good about a visit to Chez Nous".
She was looking coyly at him.

"Well, I have always fancied your Becky, although she did not seem so
interested in me and you were always so welcoming to us". He looked
embarrassed again.

"Don't look so embarrassed" said Petra, "Becky's not here and I'm not
going to tell her you fancy her. Anyway a man like you would always be
welcome to visit, even if Becky was out". She put her hand on his back
and pushed him carefully forward in the queue, leaving her hand pressed
against his back as long as she dare. Her pussy was feeling damp and
she was so horny. Quietly she concluded with "I always like the company
of a good looking man".

Tom was slowly becoming aware that maybe Petra was hitting on him. He
felt a strange feeling - embarrassment was turning to surprise. His
mouth was dry and he was unsure how to act as the checkout girl started
to scan his purchases. Petra was still close behind him, so close he
could feel her breath on his neck. He filled his bag and moved to the
end of the belt. He looked up, she was smiling at him.

Petra broke the silence. "Tom, would you be an angel and help me to the
car with my groceries. That is if you are not in a hurry". She looked
up at him and blew him a kiss. Now he was sure she was hitting on him
and he felt his cock start to swell a little.

He stood at the end of the belt and packed her purchases. Petra paid and
she walked out the door with Tom following carrying the bags. This was
good, she smiled to herself, it was just like her very own toy boy.

When they arrived at the car she opened the hatch and Tom placed the
bags inside. She shut the hatch and leant back against it. Tom looked
at her, his cock still feeling a little swollen, but not hard, an
uncomfortable position in his trousers. He wanted to reach down and
change its position but it would have been too obvious. Petra had dark
curly hair, a good body for a mature woman, she was dressed in a
woollen jersey dress which cut low to show the top of her cleavage,
accentuated by the heavy jewellery that hung in the open space below
her neck. He was not sure what to do next. He did not have to worry.

Petra put her hands on her hips and spoke. "Now, how am I going to get
those bags out at my flat? I don't suppose you could come with me and
help?" she paused for effect. "I am sure I can find you a little reward
for helping me". She was feeling more and more horny every minute. Was
this the after effect of last nights fucking from Mike or was she just
horny for a young cock to reassure herself she was still attractive.

Tom was almost shaking not knowing how to react. Petra leant forward
putting a hand behind his head and pulled him towards her. Their mouths
met and her lips pressed hard against his, her tongue forcing its way
into his mouth. As his body pressed against hers, Tom could feel her
moving against him, almost rubbing their bodies together. She broke the
kiss and started to lick and kiss his neck, his cock becaqme harder
pressing against her body. She whispered in his ear. "Mmm Tom, that
cock feels good. How would you like to slip it up my pussy? I would
like a good hard young cock, just like I am sure my Becky does. Maybe
if you close your eyes you could imagine you are giving my little Becky
one?" What was she saying, how dirty was that to suggest he could
close his eyes and imaging he was fucking her daughter instead of her.

Tom was not sure how to react, flirting in the queue only a few minutes
ago, now up against the back of her car with the mother of one of his
old school friends with her offering him a fuck and asking him to
imagine it was her daughter.

"No, no, Mrs Holmes, I mean Petra" he was flustered. "I mean, no I would
love to give you one, I would. I mean yes I would. Not thinking you
were Becky, I mean I would give you both one".

Petra pushed him back a little. She smiled and put her finger to her
lips to silence him.

"Now Tom, calm down and keep control of that young fuck machine between
your legs or you will spoil the fun....too early". Tom was red but
attentive. "So you would like to", she lowered her voice, "give me a
good fucking would you".

He could only nod like a rabbit caught in lights. "Good" she continued,
"That's what I want". She smiled, "And you have never fucked Becky, but
you would like to. Is that right? He nodded again. "Ohhh, such a
naughty boy wanting to share his cock with a mother and daughter". She
grinned. "Well let's see what we can do about that. Come on get in
let's get away from here before I change my mind". She winked as she
opened the driver's door.

Hannah relaxed as Mike drove away from the Leisure Centre. She needed to
be sure he knew what to expect when he got to the flat and if his
flirting had been serious.

"I think you should know" she opened, "Becky went back home with a man".
She waited for his reaction.

"Ok, I guess its one of those young boys that maybe you share around?"
he replied.

Hannah found the reply strange but tested the water further. "I don't
share any man" she replied. "He gets all of me and I get all of him,
right down to the last inch". She was feeling horny and naughty. "Is
that how you like it with Becky's mum or do you get, shall we say, get
distracted?" With that she dropped her hand to her lap and deliberately
squeezed her pussy through her skirt. His eyes flicked away from the
road. "Keep your eyes on the road, now you don't want to get" she
paused, " you?"

"That's a personal question and very forward of you". He paused "OK so
Becky has this boy at home. Why should that interest me? She has lots
of friends round and anyway you are on your way there too so they will
get interrupted if they are up to something anyway".

Hannah was frustrated he had not answered her question. "I didn't say a
boy. I said a man, someone as mature as you". Once again she waited for
the response.

"Ok, I get the message. Now that's something different". He whistled
through his teeth, maybe realising what he might find. "Why is Becky
interested in a mature guy, what's wrong with the crowd she knows? Does
she like mature men?"

"Well I guess that's easy to answer", responded Hannah. She looked
across at him her big puppy dog eyes wide open with a big smile on her
face. "A much better fuck. All the boys we know just want their willies
sorted, they don't care if you blow them, wank them or let them fuck
you. They just want their sexual tension relieved and to shoot their
spunk. And they just can't hang on. Now I bet a mature man like you can
give so much more pleasure?"

Somehow Mike kept his eyes on the road and his hands on the wheel,
although he felt his cock twitch at what Hannah was saying. "Is that an
invitation or are you just speaking from experience?"

Hannah was now getting the responses she wanted and continued. "Well,
that depends" She paused for effect. "For a start how is my friend
Becky going to feel if I tell her that her Mum's man just poked me.
Then there is where are we going to do it? In Becky's Mum's flat or
even on her bed where you fuck her too?" Hannah was getting going, she
was enjoying the challenge. She knew what Becky thought of this guy,
but hell she knew he packed a cock to be enjoyed.

"To answer your questions yes I am speaking from experience and actually
it is an invitation if you are interested" As she finished she
stretched her hand across and let it rub across his lap. "Just keep
your eyes on the road and let me check you out". She knew from Becky's
comment that he was well hung and although his cock was not fully hard
she could feel its length through his trousers.

"Take it easy" Mike spoke keeping his eyes on the road. "I don't want to
cum in my trousers, are you that horny you can't wait?"

"Horny? You bet. Can I wait? Of course I can". Hannah was rubbing her
hand up and down its length as it became harder at her actions. "Well
it certainly seems pleased with the attention its' getting".

They pulled into the car park of the flats and pulled up beside Rod's

As Rod's hands gently rubbed across Becky's breasts and nipples, her
breathing became deeper and deeper. Then he lowered his head and
started to lick and kiss her exposed flesh. Becky put her hand behind
his head and pulled him in tight. Her body was tingling as he continued
to send sensations she had never felt sizzling through her body. He
lifted his head, put his hand under her chin and raised her head.

"Why don't you take my shirt off" He said quietly. Becky needed no
further encouragement, she lifted her hands and unbuttoned his shirt,
puling the tail out from the top of his trousers. She slid her hand in
through the open front to encounter a chest covered in thick black
curly hair. She had never been this close to such a hairy man. Her
small fingers played with the hair as she rubbed across his chest. He
pulled the shirt off his shoulders and added it to the growing pile of
clothes on the floor. "Go on Becky, why don't you open my trousers".
He smiled softly. "Would you like that?"

Becky felt flushed as the tingling continued, her hands went to his belt
as if they were out of her control. She unclipped the buckle, undid the
top button and slowly pulled the zip on his fly. Her hand brushed his
hard cock as she lowered the zip. She could see the size of the bulge
in his pants. Her hand brushed the bulge again as her fingers traced
back to the waistband of his pants. Slowly she pulled them down and his
cock sprang free. She let out an audible gasp. Rod smiled at her.

"Don't worry, it won't bite, well not if you are gentle with it. Do you
like it"

Becky was not sure what to say, she certainly had never been this close
to something like this. It was certainly not like the boys cocks she
knew. Not just that it was longer and thicker, it was wrinkled and the
veins protruded thick and blue along its length. It just looked like it
had seen a lot of action. Her mind went back once again to the DVD and
the sight of Mike's cock penetrating her mother's mouth. She knew she
was ready for the same treatment.

Becky's fingers closed around the shaft. "Do you like it? He quietly

Becky responded "Right now it looks good enough to eat".

"Well go on then, eat it" Rod replied as he stood up and eased his
trousers off, followed by his pants. His cock stuck out pointing
slightly upward, Becky could see his heavy balls hanging from its base.
Like his chest his balls and his legs were well covered in black hair.
As he sat back down, Becky slid onto the floor in front of him, pulled
herself onto her knees and slowly lowered her head towards the hard
pole facing her. She took hold of it with one hand, opened her mouth
and flicked her tongue across its head. Rod moaned. She looked up, he
had relaxed on the sofa, his arms along the back, his eyes closed.
Becky looked back down, She had secured her prize. Slowly she closed
her lips around the end and pushed her face down as she felt the first
few inches start to fill her mouth.

Mike quietly slipped the key into the door of the flat. He turned to
Hannah and put his finger to his lips to signify silence. She gripped
his hand and followed him as he crept down the hallway. As she passed
the open door of the bedroom and glanced in and saw the TV. She guessed
that must be Becky's mum's room where maybe Mike and her watched the
DVD's as they fucked together. She wondered if he kept his camera
there. He stopped just before the door into the lounge and looked
through the crack. Hannah pushed up against his back trying to see
through as well.

The sight that met his eyes was a surprise. The shy Becky he knew and
secretly desired was almost naked and on her knees. She was kneeling
between the open legs of a naked man, her head slowly rising and
falling as she sucked his cock.

Hannah cricked her neck to see too, pushing hard against Mike's back,
she gasped at what she saw, Mike put a hand across her mouth. Although
Hannah knew her friend was sexually experienced, she just had never
imagined her as such a cock sucker. She was disappointed she could not
see Rod's cock but from the look on his face Becky was clearly
delivering him a high level of pleasure.

She whispered in Mike's ear. "Oh Mike, what a dirty little cock sucker.
Does she take after her mum?" She slid her hand around his waist and
ran her hand across his trousers easily finding his cock that was
poking at the fabric, just like a tent pole.

He kept looking through the crack in the door as he whispered back
almost mesmerised. "I can't believe it, Becky sucking that cock.
Petra's daughter sucking cock. Enjoying it just like her mother does".

Hannah was slowly rubbing his cock through his pants. His cock was hard
and her own pussy wet at the vision of her friend being a dirty cock
sucking slut giving a mature man such pleasure. She thought that with
luck she would soon have Mike's salami sliding between her own cunt
lips and a mature man would be giving her such pleasure too.

"Mike" she whispered in his ear as she squeezed his restrained cock
through the fabric. "Why don't you get the camera out and film them.
That would be so hot".

"What do you mean" he replied.

"I know you like to make DVD's, Becky told me, go on get the camera and
then I can suck you cock as you film them".

He turned sharply towards Hannah. "What do you mean with Becky told me?
How does she know?" He looked worried.

"Easy Mike", she reassured him quietly, continuing to play with his cock
through his trousers. "Look Becky knows about all your DVD's and she
has seen the one where her mum is sucking this long hard cock".
Emphasising the last three words as she squeezed it, "This was part of
her motivation to get her hands on that cock that is fucking her face
right now. Mike she wanted a mature cock, just like her mother gets.
Just like me she is hot for a hard experienced mature cock". She drew
breath. "For fuck sake get the camera and get back here so I can get
that cock out of your trousers and sort it out".

Mike heisted and then smiled "Ok, Ok, let me get the camera". He
disappeared past her towards the bedroom.

Unaware that they were being watched, Becky continued to enjoy Rod's hot
hard fuck stick. Her lips were closed tight around it as she raised her
and lowered her head taking all the inches that she could to fill her
mouth. It felt good as she flicked her tongue round the tip on each
stroke, something about it made it better than any other cock she had
ever sucked. Rod had made her feel so relaxed and sexy, so confident in
herself, so much that she should take pleasure for herself not just
give it. Her pussy was so wet, she had never bled so much pleasure
juice before, even when she was using her little silver helper to
relive herself.

"Becky". Rod spoke "you are just making my cock feel so good but I want
to give you pleasure too". He was breathing heavily between his words.
"I want to give your pussy some pleasure, let me finger you, let me
kiss you, let me suck your sweet pussy lips".

She lifted her head and let his cock slip from her lips, she smiled and
nodded her head slowly. He slowly got up from the sofa and walked
behind her, slipping his hands down over her shoulders, slid his hands
across her breasts and gently rubbed her hard nipples. Becky was
quivering in pleasure as he pulled his onto her back on the carpet, she
lay there her legs open her skirt still covering her sex her breasts
laying there open and inviting, her nipples so hard.

Rod dropped first onto his knees and then shuffled until he was level
with her skirt. He pushed his hand under her skirt and touched her wet
thong. Becky bucked her hips involuntarily and moaned with pleasure as
a wave of new feelings ran through her body. His fingers pulled her
thong to one side and she felt them slowly stroking her damp bush, then
slowly she felt his fingers enter her body. Her pussy was wet, the lips
swollen and tender. She started to roll from side to side as the
pleasure grew. She reached out and grabbed his hard cock, squeezing it
as her hand slowly reamed it up and down. Rod moved again, he pushed
her onto her side spreading her legs as she moved, she felt his tongue
against her thighs as he flicked it ever closer to her weeping pussy.
Her hips pushed again towards the probing tongue, she wanted it and
wanted it badly.

She pulled his cock nearer to her face and closed her lips once again
around its hard dark tip, flicking it with her tongue. She felt his
lips meet her pussy and his tongue push between her engorged and
sensitive cunt lips. She was now moaning with pleasure as she felt his
tongue darting at her pussy, she drove her mouth down hard on his cock
in direct response trying to release her emotions, she took as many
inches as she could, she could hardly concentrate such was the

The waves of pleasure kept coming as his tongue and lips pleasured her
cunt in a way she had never experienced before. As her own lips and
tongue enjoyed his rigid cock she could feel his body movements
increase, she knew he would not be able to hold back much longer and
she so much wanted to experience him unloading in her, her mouth was
ready to receive its reward.

Then one more time she felt him push hard into her mouth and seconds
later she felt a hot wet sensation hit the back of her mouth as he shot
his first stream of cum. She gasped and screamed together louder than
ever before. His cock slipped from her mouth and his cum shot again and
again from his excited prick covering her face and neck with white
strings of cum. Becky felt like she was floating in another world.

Petra pulled the car to a halt in an empty parking bay. She saw that
Mike's car was parked along with one she did not recognise. Sometimes
Mike came home early, other days he left his car behind, She knew she
had to be careful, just in case he was there. She turned to Tom.

"Ok Tom" she quizzed, smiling at him.

"I guess so", came a nervous reply. He had been silent all the way in
the car. Not quite sure what to expect. Petra had talked constantly
about her Becky. How she had grown up so quickly, but how she still
thought of her as a little girl. How she was sure she must be sexually
experienced but how did she know as a mother. All she knew was her
friend Hannah who she worked with was clearly a little tart, from her
clothes, make up and smoking and how Petra thought she must be a bad
influence on Becky. Petra had said she thought Hannah was probably the
type, as she said, to get stuffed up against the wall at the back of a
pub with any guy who bought her a drink. Tom knew Hannah but kept his
silence. He knew that Petra had summed her up well, everyone knew that
Hannah was a little fuck slut and could never get enough cock, he had
not yet had the pleasure but hoped that one day he might be the one to
give her that dirty fuck behind the pub.

"Come on then baby, lets get inside, my pussy is steaming hot for you".
Petra blew him a kiss. "Petra wants to feel that young cock of yours
giving her some pleasure". She opened the car door and got out. Tom got
out of the passenger side and went to the back of the car. "Leave the
shopping in the boot, if you have any energy left after shagging me
then you can bring it up later". She walked round to his side of the
car, took his hand and led him towards the door. "I hope my man isn't
home, but lets be quiet anyway just in case".

As Mike went to the bedroom, Hannah checked the action through the door.
There was her friend Becky still on her knees in front of Rod, her head
bobbing up and down as she sucked his cock. Now she had a better view
than before and every so often caught a view of his erect member. It
looked good enough for her and she hoped that Mike was going to provide
a similar experience for her with his fuck stick.

Mike came back and squeezed up against her from behind. She felt the
hardness of his cock against her arse and smiled to herself. I am going
to get that soon she thought. She turned to look at him. He had a small
video camera in his hand and was ready to shoot with it. He moved
closer to where he could film Becky and Rod and lifted the camera to
his eyes.

Hannah had other ideas, she slid her hand across the front of his
trousers feeling his cock. It was certainly large but did not feel so
hard - yet. She kept rolling her hand across its bulge and the hardness
began to arrive. She brought her other hand round the other side and
together her hands uncoupled his belt and then unzipped his fly. There
constrained within his unsexy Y fronts was the monster she craved. She
pulled at his trousers and they fell to his knees. Hannah followed onto
her own knees. She pulled the trousers down to his ankles and worked
his legs to get him to step out of them. All the time he was
concentrating on Becky and Rod with his camera to his eye.

She cast the trousers to one side and looked up. Mike's concentration
was 100% on the couple in the vision of his camera, but Hannah was not
sure if it was the sight of the sex he was filming or the attention she
was giving him that had caused the bulge in his Y fronts. Her head was
at crotch height. She reached out with her hands and turned down the
waistband and pulled at the pants. His cock sprang free and for the
first time she was close up with the mature cock of her desires. She
thought to herself; I hope Mrs Homes does not mind sharing this.

She knew she was going through the same excitement as her friend had not
so long before as she took it first in her hands, feeling its length,
its width and cupping his balls in her hands. His sack felt heavy, she
hoped because it was full of cum. It looked thicker than any cock she
had seen before, the veins running its length were protruded and dark,
engorged with the blood that had made it so hard and long.

She continued to stroke it. She felt the smooth head and slipped her
fingers around the protrusion at its widest girth at the base of the
head. The tip was damp but not wet. It felt lovely, like a new toy.

Mike was continuing to film, but she caught him looking down at her, she
smiled as she rubbed its length harder. He smiled back.

"Go on Hannah" he whispered, "Suck it now. Suck it so I can film you
too". Hannah was not as surprised as she thought she might be at the
comment. Why not be filmed, she was sure that she could suck a cock as
well as Becky's mum any day. Hannah pulled the cock towards her mouth,
she saw the camera pointing down. She smiled up at it as her tongue
flicked the end of the helmet. Ohh it felt good. She then ran her
tongue down its length, enjoying the sensation as her tongue followed
the contours of the bulge. Feeling the ridges of the blood engorged
veins. Her tongue flicked against his balls and she felt them tighten
as he drew in breath. As her tongue reached the top again, like a
hungry girl she closed her lips around the end and tried to slide them
slowly down its length. She only got a few inches before she thought
she would gag. It was so much thicker than any other cock she had ever
sucked, she was sure it would hurt her pussy if he wanted to fuck her
like she wanted so much. She pushed again and took another inch, then
eased her head back and let slip out.

She looked up "Magic" he said, "More Hannah, more". Hannah did not need
any encouragement the excitement within her body growing. Again and
again she slipped the cock between her lips enjoying the sensation of
it against her throat. She continued aware that her own body was
getting hotter and hotter. She knew she needed to pleasure herself as
well as Mike. She had desires too.

His attention was back at the action in the other room, Hannah could
hear the moans getting louder and more frequent, she had no idea that
Rod and Becky were now on the floor engaging in their climactic 69.

The sound of Becky's moans, the sensation her own cock sucking were all
too much for the sensations she felt in her body. Hannah let the cock
slip from her mouth as she collapsed back against the wall, running her
hands across her own body in reaction to the sensations she felt
inside. She quickly unbuttoned her dress so that it hung open, her hand
slipping down into her panties as her fingers found her sex. She slid
them into her sopping wet pussy as she closed her eyes. Wave after wave
of pleasure ran through her body as she heard Becky screaming as she
made her final climax. Her fingers were working so fast, so hard as
they slipped in and out of her sopping pussy lips. Mike holding the
camera in one hand turned towards Hannah. He pointed the camera at her
with one hand and took his hard cock in the other, rubbing it faster
and faster. She sensed he was about to cum.

The next few moments passed as if in slow motion. As he continued to
jack his hard cock the first arc of cum left its end and passed through
the gap between them landing across Hannah's open dress, bra and
breasts. She felt like she had died and gone to heaven as the second
arc hit her chin followed by a third that touched her open mouth as she
felt the hot cum on her lips. The slow motion continued as more and
more cum spilled from his heavy balls all over her face, body and
clothes. She had never seen a man cum so heavily.

Mike looked down bringing the lens into zoom. His cock hung between his
legs, cum still dripping from its tip. He panned from his cock to
Hannah slumped against the wall her hand still inside working her pussy
inside her pants, her eyes screwed up in pleasure. His camera panned
down across her face, wasted cum still dribbling down from her cheeks,
her lips, her chin. As the camera panned across her open dress the dark
stains of cum so evident, there between her breasts were more dribbles
of his spunk, slowly sliding down her cleavage. Only he knew that doing
young Becky was a fantasy he had dreamed of for so long. Cumming over
her friend Hannah ha just superseded that fantasy with reality.

Petra slid the key in the lock and as she gently turned it pushed the
door open. She turned back to Tom and smiled. She turned back and as
she stepped forward, she was stunned by the sight she saw. He mouth
dropped open "Fuck Me" she gasped. "What the fuck are you doing?"

As she looked up the hall, she could not believe the sight in front of
her. All she could see was what she assumed from the hair and shape was
the back of her man, his legs bare, his trousers cast aside on the
floor and lying there as if passed out was Becky's friend Hannah.
Looking from this distance as if she had been shot. As her eyes focused
she was clear that Hannah had been shot, not with bullets but her man's
love juice that she thought was reserved only for herself. The slut lay
against the wall, her hand inside her panties, her eyes screwed up as
she pleasured herself and her body and open dress sprayed with his cum.

As if in slow motion Mike turned towards her and she saw the camera in
his hand and his now softening cock hanging between his legs.

Hannah opened her eyes and screamed out "Oh shit, I'm sorry Mrs Holmes,
I'm really sorry" pulling her hand out from her panties and pulling her
dress across in an attempt to hide her body.

Petra was speechless at first, what could she say. She always felt that
Hannah was a bad influence on Becky, but getting it off with her man
that was something different. How long had this be going on behind her
back? Tom stood behind her amazed at what he saw, trying to understand
what was going on. He recognised Hannah but that was all.

"So Hannah you really are the dirty slut I thought you were", the rage
was in her eyes. She walked down the hall towards Hannah who looked
scared. Mike put out a hand to stop her catching hold of her arm. She
pulled away, "and who the fuck do you think you are fucking about with
a girl my Becky's age. Maybe you have been fucking my Becky too behind
my back. How can I trust you?"

Mike pulled back in silence. Hannah drew herself to her feet, quickly
buttoning up her stained dress and moving past Petra towards the door
where Tom stood still trying to take in what was happening. It looked
like this guy had had the chance and as a result was going to ruin his
own chance of getting to fuck Petra who had been so hot until she
opened the door.

Petra stared at Mike, totally unaware of who and what was going on just
the other side of the door. "So come on, have you fucked my Becky, yes
or no?".

"Come on Pet, calm down" said Mike glancing at Hannah moving towards the
door. "Babes would I do that, honest, believe me"

Petra was almost shaking now. "Get out" she said, "and take that dirty
slut with you. You can go fuck her in woods for all I care" She grabbed
at the camera. "I will take this as it must have the stuff you filmed
last night when we had our last", and she emphasised the word, "last
fuck. Now get out and come back for your things when I'm not here. And
if I find you have touched my Becky, I will make sure that cock ends up
in a state that it can never be used again". Her fury was immense and
she was shaking as she spoke.

Mike picked up his trousers, leant against the wall and quickly pulled
them up. He followed Hannah towards the door and then suddenly stopped.
For the first time aware of tom's presence.

"And who is this?" he pointed to Tom, now standing just inside the door.
"So you can bring home a toy boy but its wrong for me to fuck one of
Becky's friends is it?"

Petra had calmed down a little, but was still shaking. She was more
composed now "Tom is just helping me up with the shopping"

"Oh yes, I believe you" he turned to Tom. "Don't worry man, she is a
good fuck especially if you have big enough cock for her slack pussy".
Tom went bright red. Hannah pushed past him out of the door.

"Hi Tom" she said still very flushed, "I hope you have fun, tell me next
time I see you, gotta fly" as she went through the door. Mike followed
slamming the door.

Tom looked at Petra, standing in the hall, camera in her hand. She
started to sob.

"Please Tom" she said, in between sniffles, "Please Tom come and cuddle
me now, I need a man more than ever". Tom slowly walked down the
hallway towards her.

Rod and Becky lay motionless on the carpet, exhausted from their oral
lovemaking. Becky raised her hand to her face and touched the white
semen. Although she could not see it she felt sure it covered her face.
It excited her, never before had she experienced such pleasure from
sucking a cock, never before had anyone pleasured her pussy this way.
None of the young cocks that had fucked her anywhere near matched the
sensations that Rod had delivered with just his tongue and fingers.

In front of her Rod's cock was no longer hard or erect but slowly going
flaccid. It still looked good, she knew she wanted it again, next time
she wanted her cunt filled with his engorged cock and she wanted all
his spunk shot inside her pussy. She wanted to reach out and hold it,
to rub the globule of cum still hanging from its end between her
fingers. She still felt the salty taste of cum in her mouth. She had
spat cum before, she had swallowed cum before, but this cum somehow
tasted different. She wanted more.

Suddenly she heard screams from the hallway. She froze, Rod raised
himself onto his knees. Becky's mouth fell open. "That's my mum", she
looked scared. She too pulled herself to her knees. She listened to her
mum shouting and gasped putting her hand across her mouth as she heard
Hannah's voice. "And Hannah must be out there too", she looked puzzled.
She listened some more and almost screamed out loud. "And Mike too,
what's going on?"

Rod was looking worried, he did not like the idea of being caught
without any clothes by Becky's mum having just pleasured her daughter.
He looked at Becky, her face covered in his cum. Becky was listening
intently trying to catch the words and the sense of what had been going
on and what was happening now. The shouting was getting louder. Rod was
up on his feet pulling his pants on and grabbing at his other clothes
trying to dress.

"Come on Becky, get dressed, quickly before we get caught".

"I think we have been caught already", she whispered. "I think Mike has
been filming us through that door", she said pointing. Rod looked
puzzled as he pulled up his trousers and tucked his shirt in.

"Mike, he is my mum's man and he has this thing about videoing his sex
with mum. I've seen the DVD, It's what Hannah and I were talking about
when you had your coffee earlier. I think he has been videoing us just
now" she trailed off into silence.

"Never mind that get you clothes on and here, let me wipe that cum off
your face" he pulled out a clean folded hanker chief, pulled Becky to
her feet and then wiped his cum from her cheeks and chin. Slowly Becky
started to dress, by this time the door had slammed and everything had
gone quiet.

What should they do next, no where to hide. They could not just walk
straight out of the door could they?

Petra was still shaking as Tom closed his arms around her.

"Squeeze me hard, please" She half sobbed. Tom felt her warm body
against his. Slowly the shaking eased and she relaxed. He was trying to
assess the situation. Here he was embracing the mother of a girl he
desired, his opportunity to fuck her all but destroyed by them
stumbling upon her partner filming and cumming all over the half naked
body of another girl he knew. Far too much for him to take in at one
time, all happening so fast. Perhaps he should never have gone to the
supermarket in the first place.

He could now feel Petra moving her body against his. He heard her sigh
and then he felt her lips start to kiss his neck. Her kissing moved on
around his neck across his face and suddenly her tongue was splitting
his lips as it probed inside his mouth. He felt his cock start to
harden, Petra must have felt it too as she moaned and her hand started
to push between their bodies like a heat seeking missile heading for
his now semi hard cock.

Petra's hand found her target, her hand rubbing across the lump in his
trousers. She broke the kiss and whispered. "Oh fuck that feels good.
Tom I want your cock more than ever, I need your cock right now. Please
do me I need a young man to reassure me". She led him towards the
bedroom, pushing the door open. Tom was so excited he felt his cock
would ejaculate any second.

Petra walked across to the TV and put the camera down next to it. She
stopped and plugged in the cables. Maybe she wanted to see Mike in
action one last time. She turned to Tom and commanded.

"Sit on the edge of the bed" came the instruction. He did as he was
told. Petra stood back, grabbed the bottom of her knitted dress and
drew it up and over her head. She stood in front of him in a white bra
and knickers. She rolled down her tights, not taking her eyes from him
and stepped out of them and threw them to the side like her dress. Her
body looked good for her age and Tom was drinking in the sight. He had
never seen a mature woman in the flesh like this. Petra reached behind
and unclipped her bra, as she lowered the cups and exposed her nipples,
she smiled at Tom "Do you like my puppies, would you like to play with
them?" Tom nodded, he was not sure how to react, whether to reach out
or just wait for her to come to him. Finally she put her thumbs into
the waistband of her knickers and slowly rolled them down, her eyes
staring at Tom a big grin widening her face.

Tom almost came on the spot when he saw her fully shaved pussy. He had
never seen a shaved pussy before as all the girls he knew had light
young girl fluff around their soft and young lips. He could see the
distinct mounds of her lips and the dark slit that ran between them.
His hand moved down towards his own cock.

"No you don't" reprimanded Petra, "That's mine and mine alone". She
leant forward and her breasts moved into touching range as she started
to unbutton his shirt. The light hairs on his chest exposed as Petra
went lower and lower. At last all the buttons were undone and he
shuffled on the edge of the bed to help her remove the shirt
completely. She ran her hand across his chest and licked her lips.

"I want that chest rubbing up against my nipples to excite me", her
hands moved down to his belt buckle as she concluded "But I want this
cock even more". Her hands soon had the buckle undone and made short
work of his zip as she searched out her prize. She pulled open the
front of his trousers gazing at the lump concealed by his black pants.
In seconds she had his cock free. "Come on, out of those" she pulled
him up to his feet and grabbed at his trousers pulling them down. Tom
stumbled around as he tried to lift one leg and then the other stepping
out of his trousers and pants.

Once he was naked Petra pushed him back down onto the bed, he fell
backwards flat on his back, his cock sticking up in the air like a
flagpole. Petra almost threw herself on top of him as he lay.

Becky could hear her mum sobbing and then talking to someone. She was
sure she heard her call him Tim or Tom but her mind was trying to work
out what to do next. She heard them move and then the door shut. They
must have gone into her bedroom. She just could not believe this, five
minutes ago she was screaming at Mike, who had been doing Hannah in one
way or another and now she had another man in her room, who she
presumably was going to fuck with, unless they were just into watching
home made porn. This had to be Rod's exit chance.

"Come on Rod", she took his hand and led him towards the open door. She
carefully looked out into the hall, it was clear, the door opposite to
her mother's room was closed. She whispered "Ok, it's clear, you can
go". She turned to Rod and smiled. "I loved your cock, can we do it
again? I would love to feel it filling my pussy and you draining your
cum inside me". Rod bent down and gave her a gentle lip kiss.

"You bet, Becky, I would love to do you any way you want it" He turned
towards the outside door and quietly opened it. He blew her a kiss and
slid outside.

Becky closed the door behind him, leant against it and sighed. She could
hear movement in her mother's room but no noise. She silently passed
the door and went further down the corridor to her own room and closed
the door behind herself. She slipped off her clothes and looked at her
body in the mirror. Her pussy still wet and glistening, her nipples
still erect and excited. Her body still tingled. She slipped a long
loose T shirt over her head and just slumped back onto the bed and
closed her eyes.

Rod quietly slipped down the steps from the first floor flat. He opened
the outside door to the apartment block, walked through and shut the
door behind him. He stopped and breathed a sigh of relief.

"So was it good?" He turned to where the voice was coming from. There
leaning against the wall a little way from the door, cigarette in hand
was Hannah. She took a long drag and blew the smoke into the air.

"Well I guess you know as you were watching all the time and filming it
so I understand". Rod retorted.

Hannah giggled. "Well I saw some of it, but not everything. I certainly
got a good look at that cock you pack down there" her eyes trailing
down towards his crotch. "Does all that exercising at the gym make it
so big or have you always been a big boy?" She giggled a bit more. "I
didn't see how much cum you spilt for Becky though, things got a bit

"So I heard" replied Rod. "Got caught with Becky's mums man did we?"

"Well I think he is her ex man now after what happened" She took another
drag on her cigarette and dropped it on the floor stubbing it out with
a twist of her sandle.

"So were you fucking or filming when she arrived or both?" Rod moved
away from the door and stood facing Hannah.

"I should be so lucky. When she came in he was filming alright, but not
you and Becky. He had the camera in one hand and his cock in the other
and he was shooting his juice all over me". She pointed to the dark
stains on her work dress. "I got so excited what with sucking his cock
and watching you and Becky at it. I was lying against the wall frigging
my pussy. He was just splashing his cum all over me, my dress hanging
open and in walks Petra."

Rod's mouth slowly broke into a smile. "You dirty little girl, fancy
getting caught like that. I bet she thinks you are real slut now and
not fit to be a friend of Becky"

"Probably a good assessment" smiled Hannah.

"So what happened to Petra's man, where is he?". Rod inquired

Hannah shrugged her shoulders. "Went straight off in his car. No thank
you babe for sucking my cock or anything. No offer of a lift like
before. Just said he had to get away to think and left me here". She
signed heavily, "anyway Petra is no angel. She came back with a guy
that Becks and I know called Tom and I guess she is up there fucking
with him right now" She raised her eyes towards the first floor

"She is doing what?" Rod looked astonished.

"I said I bet she is fucking with Tom right now. Clearly likes her men
young as well as mature. I feel like I am the only one who is not going
to get a good cock fucking today". Hannah sighed and started to move
away from the wall. Rod put out his hand against the wall and blocked
her way. She stopped.

"Well I did not fuck Becky if that is any consolation to you. But your
friend is such a hot cock sucker" he smiled. As for getting a good, as
you say, "cock fucking" I am sure that could be remedied and maybe I
could even offer you a lift home after". He leant in towards her. Their
eyes focused on each other in the way that says something hot is about
to happen. Hannah reached out with her hands and clasped the sides of
his face, pulling him in towards her. Their lips met, he could taste
the cigarette on her lips, her tongue soon masking the taste as it
probed his mouth. Their bodies pressed together and he could feel the
heat she was radiating. How could she still be so horny.

She felt him start to harden, a good sign that he was recovering already
from cumming for Becky. They broke their embrace, Hannah bit her lip
and said "Look Rod, I am as horny for a fuck as I think you are, but
not here by the door, can we find somewhere more discreet. There have
already been too many surprise people going in and out of this door
today". She looked around, took his hand and led him down the side of
the block. As they got to the bottom corner, she could see a brick
garage block ahead.

"There look OK" she turned and smiled at him, squeezing his hand and
leading the way to the back corner. Tucked behind were the recycle
bins. This was Hannah territory, she loved getting fucked up against
the wall out the back of the clubs and bars she visited. The thrill of
being seen by others, the possibility they could be caught, the carnal
once only fuck servicing both peoples pleasure.

She turned and smiled at Rod "Ok honey will this do". She leant back
against the wall, Rod nodded, Hannah wasted no time.

"Well let's not hang around, we both know what we want". She placed her
bag on the ground beside her and started to unbutton her dress from the
bottom up, pulling it open. Rod unbuckled his belt and opened his
trouser front his hands pulling his open trousers down across his
backside. He eased them down so they hung from his knees. He could see
that Hannah's panties were wet, they were clearly stained. Not sure if
this was spilled cum or as a result of her own excitement and

Hannah reached forward and pulled his boxers down releasing the bulge
she had been observing. His cock sprang free. It looked good to her,
not yet fully hard but its head a lovely large purple bell, its girth
fat with heavy protruding veins running its length. She slid her hand
around the shaft and drew in breath.

She put her other hand on his shoulder and looked down. "That looks like
it has seen plenty of action". Is it up for some more right now?" She
squeezed it and felt it grow harder at her touch.

Rod smiled. "Sure has" he said. "Clasp your arms around my neck Hannah
and let me show you how good it is at giving you pleasure".

He moved in closer, his fingers feeling up her panties and towards her
wet a slit. She gasped and clasped her hands round his neck and pulled
her body in towards his feeling her breasts press against his heavy
muscular chest. Rod put his hands under her arse cheeks and lifted her
off the ground. Hannah shrieked and giggled. Rod shuffled a bit, pushed
her back against the wall, to give added support and they with a free
hand guided his stiff cock between her leg and panties. Hannah had her
eyes closed waiting for his penetration, her legs now firmly crossed
behind his back.

Rod thrust forward forcefully with his hips, his thick cock slid into
Hannah's wet and excited slit. Hannah screamed out "Oh Shit that's
good". She crossed her legs tighter and held on with her arms around
his neck as she pushed her lips hard against his, probing again with
her tongue.

Rod eased back and then thrust again this time a little harder. He felt
the rush of air from her body enter his mouth as a Hannah let out an
animal grunt her open mouth still pressed against his. Rod was now
fully hard and was using his pure strength to pleasure this young but
experienced young girl. He was living out his fantasy developed over
many months of working out in the gym and then drinking coffee. Having
already been sucked off by her cute little friend Becky, his cock was
impaling sexy little Hannah. Only a threesome with them both would
bring greater pleasure he thought as his hips projected his cock once
more into the furthest reaches of Hannah's hot, wet cunt.

Hannah was so excited, she had yet to come down from the high of sucking
Mike and watching her friend Becky sucking Rod and now she was feeling
that same thick mature cock she wanted pumping her towards yet another

Petra and Tom were rolling on the bed in a fumbling embrace. Their lips
and tongues were jousting together in a lustful tussle. Tom felt her
hard nipples against his chest, it excited him. Petra's hands were
seeking out his cock and balls rubbing hard at them. The urgency for
both was evident. Tom experiencing for the first time the body and
desires of a mature woman, trying to hold back his excitement before
the inevitable desire of youth would lead to frustration at coming all
too soon. Petra desperate to fulfil her own need, a young cock inside
her once again. Oh how she desired to be her daughter surrounded every
night by horny young boys. How she loved draining the balls of young
men, aware that it was their first experience of a mature lady after
all those little inexperienced young ladies, squealing and then telling
exaggerated tales of the size of cocks that had fucked them.

Petra broke the embrace. They lay side by side, her hand still squeezing
Tom red and swollen member. "Come on "she said. "I need that cock
inside me now. She shuffled up the bed so that her head lay on the
pillows. She opened her legs and lay on the bed open and ready to be

Tom crawled across the bed until he was between her open legs, he pulled
himself onto his knees and placed his hands on the pillow either side
of her head, he eased forward and lifted one hand away to guide his
cock towards Petra's shaven slit. He was still nervous as he eased his
body forward and down towards Petra. His cock slipped easily between
her lips and into her wet and hot pussy. He pushed in further, Petra
just lay there with her eyes closed. He had never slid in to a cunt so
easily before, all the girls he had fucked had tight pussys. He knew
that for some he had even taken their virginity as he broke their
hymens. This felt different. He pushed again and this time he felt a
response. His eyes popped open as a smiling Petra tightened her muscles
around his cock. He responded instinctively by pumping harder and

"Urrrrhhh that feels so good, give me more of that cock" panted Petra as
her arms met behind his back and she pulled him down onto her, her
mouth open and inviting another kissing war. He had never had his cock
fucked by a pussy before. Petra's muscles were doing all the work. He
was used to girls with tight slits, often dry with nervousness, not
ready for his penetration. This was so different. Petra kept on
encouraging him, telling him how good it felt, how big he felt inside
her, how much she wanted him to cum for her. He had never heard a woman
talk dirty before.

How long could he keep this up? He was so excited by the experience but
so wanting to unload his cum. With each pump he felt his cock go in
further, his balls slapping against her shaven pussy, full of cum ready
to explode.

Suddenly he could not hold back any longer and the strokes became short
and fast. Petra was panting. "Come on shoot all that spunk inside me"
she encouraged, "I want it all, give it to mama". He could not hold
back any longer and out shot the first hot string of spunk. Petra
screamed in pleasure. He shot again and again, his balls full of come
pushing their hot juice up out of his swollen head into Petra's
welcoming passage.

Becky could hear next door the muffled words of her mother, the
occasional scream of pleasure and the thump, thump, thump as the bed
hit the wall with every pounding stroke of cock she took. Not a lot
different to many recent nights when she had laid on the bed pleasuring
herself as Mike and her mother fucked the night away. Now she had
another man pumping her. Listening to the sounds her mind kept
returning to the images of Rod, of sucking his cock or feeling his cum
explode inside her mouth, all over her, how she wanted more of his
cock. She pulled the drawer open beside her bed and lifted the silver
coloured pleasure machine from the drawer. Flicking the switch the
batteries came to life. She slowly lifted the bottom of her long T
shirt and touched the vibrator against her thigh. It send a shiver
right through her body, she arched her back in response, her nipples
still hard and erect, visible against the material of the shirt. She
slid her free hand across her breasts touching the sensitive nipples
through the fabric. She pushed the vibrator higher and felt an electric
shock shake her body as the tip split her lips. The harder she pushed
the faster the waves of pleasure ran through her body.

She imagined what it must be like to have Rod's cock replacing her
silver dream machine ready to pump all that cum inside her body. Her
dreams were so intense, the experience had been so magical. She pushed
the vibrator further and further inside her wet pussy. He body rocked
and writhed around on the bed, her nipples so sensitive as with every
move the fabric brushed against her little ripe cherries.

She was oblivious to anything until suddenly her excitement was ripped
apart by her mother's angry voice shouting "Becky, Becky Holmes come
here right now"

The harder Rod pumped his cock into Hannah, the tighter she clasped her
arms and legs around his body. She had never been fucked like this
before. Never taken in such a dominant masculine way, never had a cock
felt so good. She knew she was benefitting from his earlier work out
with Becky. He was hard enough to give her the fucking she wanted but
he had spilled an almighty load for Becky. How much firepower was left
in his love gun? Did he have sufficient bullets to shoot into her? Did
it matter as long as the pleasure continued to be this good.

Rob was sweating, he was fit but this little minx was taking everything
out of him. She squeezed him so tight and kept kissing him with total
lust. He felt her bullet hard nipples rubbing against his chest, he
knew this was stimulating her more. She shuffled and moved making sure
she took every inch on every stroke. He just had to keep hard and get
to the end. His cock was sore, his balls were aching but he had to
finish and deliver his promise.

He mustered all his strength and drove hard and fast in one last burst
of energy. Hannah broke her kiss and dug her teeth into his shoulder to
stifle the scream as at last his cock reached its limit as he
ejaculated what was left of his spunk inside her body. He kept on
pumping in reflex although his load was spent. She kept her face buried
in his shoulder as her body wriggled to get every last sensation from
his cock rubbing inside her.

Slowly the motion subsided, Hannah let go with her legs and unsteadily
placed them on the ground, her arms still clamped tight around his
neck. Rod steadied her body as she smiled up at him.

"Was that good?" he asked. Hannah was just smiling, she nodded her head
and let it rest on his chest. Letting her arms drop from their neck
grip. Her hand slid down and closed around his slowly softening cock.

She sighed "Hmmm Rod, that cock just does wonderful things to me I want
it again" she paused for effect and squeezed it "Soon, please" her big
eyes opening wide.

"Well I can't give any favouritism you will have to share it with Becky
who wants the same" he smiled and squeezed her small body against his.

Her face still pressed against his chest she answered "Do you mean all
three of us together, that would be fun".

"Do you think Becky would like that?" Rod questioned.

"Stupid question, I am sure she wants to experience more of that cock
just like me and well for you it could be double the pleasure."

Rod looked down at the young girl, her dress hanging open, stained
panties evident. "I think maybe we should go. Can I offer you that lift
home?" Hannah just leaned back against the wall and started to button
up her dress.

"I guess so. Hey let me help." Rod had pulled up his pants and trousers.
Becky moved forward and eased his soft cock back inside his pants and
then closed the trousers zip and buckled the belt. "There you are sir,
all part of the friendly service we offer". She stretched up and kissed
him lightly on the lips. He pulled her in close and drove his tongue
into her mouth. She responded savouring the last embrace.

They walked back round to the front of the house, he unlocked the car
and opened the door for her. She slipped into the passenger seat and he
shut the door. By the time he reached the drivers side, she had her
belt clipped in place. He sat down, clipped his own belt, turned and
smiled. Hannah smiled back and put her hand down to his crotch.

"I just want to feel this all the way home. I promise I won't distract
you from driving. I just love the thought that this experienced and
thick cock has been inside me. I just feel a lucky girl.

Petra lay back on the pillow exhausted, but satisfied, what a last 24
hours. Mike giving her the best seeing to she had experienced in many
years, filming it all, she had to admit to herself that was a real
turn. It made her so horny she had encouraged young Tom back just
because she wanted more cock. Well if she was honest she wanted more
young cock, this was becoming a fetish and an enjoyable one. Then
finding young Hannah who she knew was a bad influence on her Becky, but
all the same a spunky young girl, under the lens of Mike's camera with
his cum spilt all over her body and clothes. She had blown her rag,
what MILF would not, here was her man showing that he could do what he
did to her with Becky's friends. It made her think. Was she the same
for young boys? Thank goodness Tom had stayed to give her the fucking
she needed. She looked across at him, his eyes closed a big smile
across his face.

Tom was relaxing, his naked body stretched out down the bed, thinking to
himself how did he get here. He only acknowledged Petra in the
supermarket because she was Becky's mum. He just wanted to keep contact
with Becky and that was an opportunity. Now a couple of hours later
here he was lying on her bed having fucked her mother when it was her
daughter he desired. But what a mess, her man caught filming and
cumming over Hannah Worthington. Where did he meet her and why did they
come back to this place. It was all a mystery. But wow was Petra some
woman, it only increased his desire for her daughter, what knowledge
and experience had passed from mother to daughter.

Petra was playing out what had happened in her mind too. Maybe she had
been too quick with Mike. What if they both had the same desire for
younger people? Could they accommodate that with their mature desires
for each other? She reflected she had been doing the same as she had
just done with Tom more than once with other young boys. Maybe it was
that dirty little Hannah who had entrapped him, maybe she should
forgive him, after all he carried the best cock she had experienced in
years and knew how to use it and without his encouragement she would
not have experienced the sexual highs that came from his filming their
sexual exploits. That confidence that had led her to seek out the young
boys. She was so confused.

Petra reached out to the bedside table and picked up the remote. She
turned to Tom.

"Tom, I hope this does not embarrass you but I have to understand if it
was Mike or Hannah who made the first move. It's important to me". She
smiled. Tom could not believe his luck, having just fucked Becky's mum
he was now going to be treated to a film of Hannah Worthington in
action. Surely everyone knew that Hannah Worthington always took the
lead. If Hannah wanted to fuck then you fucked. Everyone just waited
their turn. Everyone knew that Hannah could not get enough cock. He
knew his mate Steve was on a promise after last night and was working
the same shift as Hannah earlier in the day. All Tom knew was he
himself was still waiting his turn with Hannah.

Petra pressed play and there on the screen was Petra sucking Mike's
cock. Tom was amazed at the size, ok he did not check out the other
guys in the showers, but Mike carried some package and Petra looked
like she was enjoying it.

"Sorry" she quickly said, pressing fast forward. "Just a little fun from
last night." On screen his cock rapidly pumped her face, like in a
comic film and then suddenly there was cum everywhere and she looked
like she was licking his cock clean. The screen want fuzzy and another
scene appeared. Petra hit the play button and it slowed to normal speed

On the screen was a man's body, sitting naked on a sofa. On the floor in
front of him a dark haired lady was raising and lowering her head.
There could be only one interpretation she was sucking his cock. Every
so often his cock came into view, it was thick, knarled and
experienced, just like Mike's cock he had just seen being sucked off by

"There she is" muttered Petra, "The slut whore sucking my man". Tom had
to admit that was what it seemed, but who was doing the filming? The
camera had movement, not static as if on a tripod and was clearly in
the hands of an expert from the angles and zoom action.

As the camera changed angle his eyes stood out on stalks. He knew Hannah
and Becky well enough to know that the hair curling round the still
obscured face belonged to Becky and not Hannah.

"Becky", he inadvertently exclaimed.

"What" said Petra, "No don't be silly, it's that slut Hannah Worthington
sucking off my man. That is the sofa in my lounge he is sitting on".

The camera angle changed and the man's face came into screen. Tom had no
idea who he was. He turned towards Petra, who was staring at the
screen her mouth wide open. "Who the fuck is he?" she exclaimed. By the
time Tom turned back to the screen, Petra had added "No, No, It can't
be, not Becky".

Tom could not believe what he saw. There on the screen lying on the
carpet naked to the waist was Becky, as he watched she reached up and
grabbed hold of they guys cock and it looked him some substantial piece
of meat. She rolled in closer to him as her lips closed around its end
and suddenly several inches had pushed there way between her welcoming

Petra continued to stare at the screen, trying to make out what was
going on. Trying to rationalize when this had taken place, who was the
guy. She was trying to decide how to react. Was this one of Hannah's
plans, perhaps Mike and a friend or something like that behind her
back. Before she could come to any conclusion on the screen Petra
watched as cum spilt from this unknown cock into Becky's mouth and all
across her face. She did not know how to react.

Tom was starring at the screen unaware that his cock had hardened again
at the sight of the girl he most wanted sucking another man's cock. The
day was becoming so bizarre anything might now happen. The screen had
now changed and the camera focused on a smiling Hannah sucking at the
cameraman's cock.

Suddenly, Petra made sense of it all, it was Mike filming through the
door and it was Becky in the lounge with the unknown man. They must
have been there all along whilst they were arguing in the hall.

Her angry voice sounded out "Becky, Becky Holmes come here right now, I
know you are in the flat".

Becky snapped out of her floating ecstatic dream. "Oh Shit" she thought.
Her mother sounded pretty angry. She quickly withdrew the vibrator from
her open legs, switched it off and laid in on her bedside table.
Timidly she got off the bed, her sexual excitement still high, but now
tempered with fear of the consequences of her earlier fun session with
Rod. She could see her hard nipples still poking at the fabric of her
loose long T shirt as she passed the long mirror. She still felt the
heat and the dampness in her almost throbbing pussy was still hot. What
was she going to say, what did her mother know.

She opened her room door and moved down the passage towards Petra's
room. She stopped, drew breath and pushed the door open. The unexpected
sight that greeter her she could not have imagined.

Her mother sat on the bed naked, a TV remote in her hand, her feet flat
on the bed he

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