I must say that Y slow is one of stupid invasion of Yahoo employees. As usual they do not check the complete optimization of tool and launch them in market.
By doing so they are putting their own credibility on risk. I guess yahoo is not employing fresh blood who will have knowledge about current technical aspect and progress.
I have very less technical knowledge however certainly I am more capable than Yahoo’s product manger.
I start this post about failure of Y slow tool . Search on internet about Y slow grade and solution, you will find most of website admistrator crying that Yslow gave them very less grade like C and D or E.
Even for my website its Grade C, which made me crazy for a week. I had applied almost all suggestion as per my technical capability but got just basic improvement in grade from D to current C .
I thought lets check other top ranking website’s grade and got Alexa’s top 100 website and found below result
Yahoo.com Grade B
Google.co.in Grade D
Youtube.com Grade B
Microsoft.com Grade A Score 95
Wordpress.org Grade B
Bing.com Grade A Score 95
MSN.com Grade B
Time.com Grade C
Nytime.com Grade C
blogger.com grade C
Ymail.com Grade A Score 96
Gmail.com Grade B
Wikipedia Grade B
Could you believe this? WordPress New York Times and other most populer and credible websites have wrong html and css setup. Come on Man …
Its just crazy to see some html correction suggestion from Yslow firebug tool to Internet King Google’s search home page developer -Like this
> Use CDN ( content delevery network)
> Use Expired Header Image
and few other changes.
I have read somewhere that google has developed new search call visual search, long time before but they haven’t lauched officially so far. Why? Because thier search testing have not given 100 % result so far. So they are holding till they will get 100% currect result. This is called professionalism.
Finally, do not get trap in Y slow grade. Its just a rubbish from yahoo, like other product on their network.
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